Our Story


April 2017

Michael makes the big decision to get a dog. Though he knows it'll be a bit difficult for him to take care of, he knows he had the love, time, and space he needs to be able to care for and love a furry companion.

May 2017

Michael comes in contact with the DoVE Project, an organization that works to save dogs from meat farms in South Korea.

June & July 2017

Ivy, a Jindo mix from South Korea, becomes Michael's new family member.

(Want to know more about Ivy? Follow her Instagram @mike_and_ivy!)

August 2017

Michael contacts his friends to get tips and tricks on taking care of Ivy - and discovers it's really freaking hard to find a single place for puppy information; let alone finding one place to get decent, well made, affordable supplies!

September 2017

Misha is brought on board. After much brainstorming, the two come up with the concept of the Paws Box - a new take on dog gear that encourages dog fashionability and safety for new and old dog owners.

The Paws By Ivy idea is officially real.

October 2017

Paws By Ivy soft launches, giving away free collars and leashes to validate their product.

Haven't gotten your free collar and leash yet? What are you waiting for?